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How Can Parents of Addicts Can Help Their Children Recover?

Parent demonstrating how parents of addicts need to be supportive

Is your child affected by drug or alcohol problems? Research shows that one of the most important elements in their recovery is family support. How can you support your loved one and help improve their chances of getting better? A common recommendation is participation in family therapy for addiction. Family therapy not only provides support for your child. It also provides vital support for parents of addicts.

Looking for a local rehab center that offers family therapy resources? At Sophros Recovery Tampa, we feature this form of substance treatment. With our support, you and your child can address important issues impacting your family’s daily function. In doing so, you can help them make real progress toward their rehab goals. Contact us today.

ABCs of Therapy for Families And Parents of Addicts

Family has a huge impact on almost everyone’s life experiences. That includes such things as your child’s:

  • Attitudes toward drug and alcohol use
  • Actual exposure to drug or alcohol use
  • Chances of drinking or using drugs themselves
  • Likelihood of developing serious substance problems

The goal of family therapy for substance abuse is to address the roots of these kinds of issues. Part of the focus is on how the family dynamic may be negatively affecting your child’s recovery. But therapy also focuses on how your child’s substance problems negatively impact the family.

Ways Parents of Drug Addicts Can Support Their Children

Everyone affected by addiction needs effective support if they hope to recover. This support can come from multiple sources. However, one of the most critical sources is the family unit. As parents, you typically have a substantial influence on your child’s:

  • Willingness to participate in a rehab program
  • Odds of completing the treatment process
  • Treatment outcomes
  • Chances of maintaining stability and sobriety when treatment ends

However, unresolved family issues can interfere with your ability to help your child. In therapy, they have a chance to talk about these kinds of issues with you and their therapist. These discussions may help you understand your child better. In addition, they highlight problems that you may or may not have been aware of. Crucially, the therapist will also help you work through these problems.

Ideally, the end result is improved support for your child during and after rehab. How often does that happen in real life? Quite frequently. Studies show that family therapy provides proven benefits for the typical rehab participant.

Providing Effective Support for Parents of Addicts

Family therapy also provides critical support for parents of drug addicts or alcohol addicts. How? During therapy, you get to express your point of view on the state of your family. That’s essential because addiction in a family member tends to harm the unit as a whole.

Over the months or years, your child may have said and done any number of damaging things. Therapy gives you a forum to talk about these experiences. It also helps you find a way to address them alongside your child.

You can also do things outside of therapy. For example, there are self-help groups that specialize in providing support for parents of addicts. Participation in one of these groups can help you feel less isolated. It can also help you feel better understood.

Seek Resources for Parents of Drug Addicts at Sophros Recovery

The actions you take can have a big influence on your child’s ability to recover from addiction. Consistent family support tends to lead to improved results. Unfortunately, lack of support can have the opposite effect. Enrollment in family therapy is typically an excellent way to provide the help your child needs. Importantly, therapy can also help you.

At Sophros Recovery Tampa, we understand the crucial role of parents of addicts. Our family therapy programs provide customized support for all participants. To find out more about the benefits of these programs, just call us today at 813.686.6306 or use our online contact form.