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Men’s Rehab Program


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a group of men congratulate one of their own in a mens rehab programEveryone experiences addiction differently. Men and women especially have different experiences with addiction. From stigma to family roles, addiction can be influenced by different factors based on gender, making it an important consideration in treatment and recovery. Our men’s rehab program offers a structured, comprehensive approach that helps clients understand and address the unique challenges they face in recovery.

At Sophros Recovery, we understand that gender plays a significant role in addiction and recovery. We recognize the importance of tailoring treatment to meet the specific needs of men who are struggling with substance abuse. You can find help for yourself or a loved one in our Tampa addiction treatment programs by calling 813.592.7053 today.

Challenges Men Face in Addiction Treatment

Men face specific issues when it comes to addiction treatment. Some of these issues include:

  • Stigma and shame – Society often views men who struggle with addiction as weak or lacking self-control. This stigma can make it difficult for men to seek help and feel comfortable in treatment.
  • Pressure to appear strong – Men are often expected to be stoic and not show vulnerability. This societal pressure can make it challenging for men to open up about their struggles with addiction.
  • Cultural expectations – In many cultures, men are expected to be the providers and breadwinners for their families. This can make it difficult for men to take time off work for treatment or seek help due to financial concerns.
  • Toxic masculinity – Traditional ideas of masculinity often discourage men from seeking help and expressing emotions. This can lead to a cycle of self-medication through substance abuse rather than addressing underlying issues.

We provide an empowering, supportive environment where men can address their addiction and begin the journey toward recovery.

Sophros Recovery’s Men’s Rehab Center

Clients can find the levels of care that fit their unique situations. Our outpatient services are a good option for those exiting residential treatment or for those who cannot take extensive time away from work or family.

Day or Night Treatment Program

Our day/night treatment program provides a structured environment where men can begin their recovery journey. This program offers intensive treatment while allowing participants to return home at the end of the day. By combining the intensity of inpatient care with the flexibility of outpatient treatment, day/night treatment offers a balanced approach to recovery.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

For those who require a less intensive level of care, our intensive outpatient program provides the opportunity to continue treatment while maintaining work, school, or other responsibilities. This program focuses on developing coping skills, strengthening support networks, and establishing a solid foundation for long-term recovery.

Outpatient Program

Our outpatient program is designed for those who have completed more intensive levels at our center. The program emphasizes continued growth, reinforcing the skills needed to maintain sobriety and live a fulfilling life free from substance use.

The men’s rehab program at Sophros Recovery offers a comprehensive, individualized approach to treatment that addresses the unique challenges faced by men in recovery.

Our Approach to Men’s Addiction Treatment

We approach addiction treatment with a holistic mindset, recognizing that each individual is more than their addiction.


Therapy is a cornerstone of our approach to men’s addiction treatment. Through individual, group, and family therapy sessions, men can explore the root causes of their addiction, learn healthier coping mechanisms, and develop strategies for maintaining sobriety.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

MAT plays a critical role in managing withdrawal symptoms and reducing cravings. This approach, combined with therapy, can significantly improve the chances of successful recovery.

Case Management

Our case management team works closely with each individual to coordinate care and ensure that all their needs are met. From medical appointments to legal issues, our case managers are there to provide support every step of the way.

Alumni Support

Recovery is a lifelong journey. That’s why we offer robust alumni support, including ongoing therapy sessions, social events, and a strong community of peers. Our alumni program provides the long-term support men need to stay sober and thrive in their new life.

Sophros Recovery is more than just a treatment center—it’s a welcoming community dedicated to helping men overcome addiction and reclaim their lives.


We understand that reaching out for help can be challenging, but it is a critical first step in the recovery process. Our team of compassionate professionals is here to support and guide men on their journey to lasting sobriety. Contact Sophros Recovery online or by calling 813.592.7053 to enroll in our men’s rehab program at our Tampa, FL, center.